Mini UART Terminal Emulator Version 1
Based on 8051 and Arduino

MUTE.v1 acts as a small monitor that outputs text over a serial connection, USB or UART.

It is useful to log basic command output from a server over USB, and can also be used for a PCB with raw UART text output for debugging or monitoring.

There are 2 versions:

  • Arduino version

  • 8051 EFM8 version (WIP)

How To Use:

Usage: python3 <--verbose> --port="" [--command="command"] [--continuous="command"]

Verbose mode means that the program will print any response over serial back to this console.
Command is the command to be run and echoed to the serial port. Alternatively, you can exclude this argument and just type to the serial port manually.

Note 1: This program will fail to run correctly if a continuous command is entered into the --command argument!
Note 2: When using linux, the serial port is not the one that looks like /dev/ttyX ! The one you're looking for is in /dev/serial/by-id/
Note 3: Do not use —continuous and —command arguments simulataneously!


Ubuntu Linux Server 18.04 and Windows 10 have been tested for functionality.