This program was for my final for my senior year computer science class.




How to use

Usage: java -jar XML.jar <file> [args]

Arguments Available:
demo                =   run demonstration program
listCapacitors      =   list capacitors in EAGLE XML document
getLength <signal>  =   get total signal length of a given signal name
getArea <signal>    =   get total signal polygon area given a signal name

Note: output may be very large, and you will have the option to save it to a text file.

What this does

This program was for my final project for my high school computer science class. It is very basic and it is non-modular.

It takes in an EAGLE board XML file and is able to produce a couple of metrics about it. These metrics include:

  • Listing all capacitors

  • Getting the total length of all copper traces of a certain signal

  • Getting the total area of all copper polygons of a certain signal